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Friday, November 21, 2014

G-tube Madness

Day of surgery
Zac went down to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City on his birthday Oct. 13th, to get his G-tube placed. He did fairly well, until we got home and the following 10 days were filled with painful cries. I called several times to get pain medication for him. (They said give him Tylenol and Ibuprofen as needed for pain.) We did as they told us, but it seemed he was always in pain. I finally got a hold of the GI Dr. who performed the surgery, and she said that he shouldn't be in pain, but just in case she wanted to see if the tube was placed correctly. BUT she was going out of town that day. So the next day we went back down to Primary's for the scan, the tube appeared to be where it was suppose to be. The Radiologist who did the scan said there was nothing wrong, then that evening someone who looked at the results of the scan called and said there was nothing wrong. The next day after Zac had cried and cried all day, I called again, and another doctor looked at the scan results and discovered that even though the tube was in the correct place, it was too tight and pinching his stomach, he asked if we could be there by 5 (It was after 4). Ummm no, we are over an hour away and longer if there is traffic. Brett and I had a date night planned and babysitters arranged. We asked if there was something we could do from home, so we took Zac in on the bed and loosened the tube. Brett should have been a doctor, he is good at that kind of stuff.

In the ER the 1st time
After that things were ok for a couple weeks, he seemed to be doing better. Until he had the G-tube for 4 weeks and things started to smell bad, his breath and his G-tube site. I was very concerned that Zac had developed an infection. Also his chest had sounded bad. I was concerned that he might have aspirated and it caused pneumonia. So what do I do? go to the local ER on Sunday evening (bad idea). It was so busy that I don't feel like they did a good job looking at Zac, or taking the time to examine him properly. We waited a while to be seen, but was in the room just a couple minutes before they sent us on our way. The next day he was seen by his Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist, they both agreed that his lungs were not clear, and that the smell was bad. Brett has a friend/coworker at the jail that is a nurse and he gave us some ideas of things to help with the smell and the lungs. We did but a couple day's later things were still bad, and this last Saturday Brett took Zac down to Primary's ER. After speaking with 3 different doctors, a surgeon and the GI Specialist on the phone they discovered that Zac's skin was growing up the tube and not healing properly. Which is why it was smelling so bad. They took 5 hours to decide whether to cut off the extra skin, cauterize, or finish the procedure and place the peg. They ended up just cauterizing it and sending them home. Zac is now scheduled for the 2nd part of the G-tube procedure on December 9th. Pray that this goes well for him. He has already been through so much, it hurts my heart to watch him suffer more because his doctors keep making mistakes, and over looking things.
They decorated his room for his birthday!

Ace is such a good helper.